HOT AIR OVEN is commonly used for dry heat sterilization. Dry heat sterilization is a method of controlling microorganisms. It employs higher temperatures in the range of 160-180°C and requires exposures time up to 2 hour, depending upon the temperature employed. The benefit of dry heat includes good penetrability and non-corrosive nature which makes it applicable for sterilizing glasswares and metal surgical instruments. It is also used for sterilizing non-aqueous thermostable liquids and thermostable powders. Dry heat destroys bacterial endotoxins (or pyrogens) which are difficult to eliminate by other means and this property makes it applicable for sterilizing glass bottles which are to be filled aseptically). Dry heat kills by Oxidation, Protein Denaturation and toxic effects of eleveated levels of electrolytes. BEST - HOT AIR OVENS